Category: desk exercises

Exercise you can do from your desk at work or at home!

Stiff from ‘puter work>?

  1. Take breaks: It’s important to take regular breaks from sitting and computer use to give your muscles a chance to rest and stretch. Try standing up and stretching or walking around for a few minutes every hour.
  2. Adjust your posture: Make sure that your desk and chair are at a comfortable height and that your computer monitor is at eye level. Avoid hunching over your keyboard or leaning too far back in your chair.
  3. Stretch: There are many stretches that can help alleviate muscle stiffness and discomfort in the neck, shoulders, and back. Some examples include shoulder rolls, neck stretches, and upper back stretches.
  4. Use a lumbar roll: A lumbar roll is a small cushion that you can place in the small of your back to help maintain proper posture while sitting.
  5. Consider investing in an ergonomic chair: An ergonomic chair is designed to support good posture and reduce strain on the muscles and joints.
  6. Get up and move: Make an effort to get up and move around for a few minutes every hour. This can help improve circulation and alleviate muscle stiffness.
  7. Massage: Massaging the affected muscles can help to loosen them and reduce discomfort. You can use a massage ball, foam roller, or seek out a professional massage therapist.
  8. Use heat or cold therapy: Applying heat or cold to the affected muscles can help to reduce discomfort and stiffness. Try using a heating pad or taking a warm shower or bath, or try using a cold pack or placing a damp cloth in the freezer and then applying it to the affected area.

affirmations you can use to help you forgive everyone:

Here are a few

  1. “I choose to let go of anger and resentment towards others. I forgive and release all grudges.”
  2. “I am grateful for the opportunity to practice forgiveness and let go of negative emotions.”
  3. “I am worthy of love and compassion, and I extend that love and compassion to others, even when they make mistakes.”
  4. “I forgive myself for any harm I may have caused, and I extend that forgiveness to others as well.”
  5. “I am strong enough to let go of the past and move forward with a open and loving heart.”

Remember, forgiveness is a journey and it takes time and practice. It’s okay if you don’t feel ready to fully forgive someone right away. Just take things one day at a time and keep affirming your commitment to forgiveness.

5 Way to turn your Audience into Fans!

  • An easy way to engage your audience and turn them into fans!
  • Use the Community Tab to share polls, text, images, and GIFs
  • Learn more from your viewers by using polls to get their feedback
  • Keep your audience engaged between video uploads by sharing behind-the-scenes shots and GIFs
  • Foster conversations and recognition by sparking conversations and giving shoutouts
  • Your audience will appreciate a new way to engage with you through the Community Tab