Basically comes down to asking you one question: what kind of content does your audience enjoy? Don’t know your audience, Ask what kind of content do I enjoy and enjoy making?

YouTube’s search and discovery system is all about matching viewers with the videos they’ll love to watch. Using a variety of signals to figure out what videos to recommend to you, like what videos you’ve watched in the past, what videos are often watched together, and how much of a channel or topic you watch.

They also look at how well a video performs when it’s recommended to you, like whether you choose to watch it, ignore it, or click “not interested”. They also look at whether you stick around to watch the video and if you liked the video by looking at likes and dislikes and survey results.

There are also external factors that influence how many people see your videos, like how many people worldwide are interested in the topic, how well your video is performing compared to others on the platform, and how traffic fluctuates during different times of the year. To get more recommendations and reach your audience, focus on creating content that your audience will enjoy, get to know your audience, and check out YouTube analytics tips.

Contact us if you want help on your company’s YouTube strategy.